Sunday, September 8, 2019

Roles of Emotional Appeals in Decision-making Essay

Roles of Emotional Appeals in Decision-making - Essay Example While some individuals argue that we make decisions through critical thinking, most of our decisions are made depending on our emotions (Fill, 2009, p. 19). Our moods and feeling towards particular ideas or items critically shape the decisions we make concerning that idea. For instance, a business manager coming to work loaded with stress from family issues is likely to spend the whole day making poor and inaccurate decisions at work. In addition, the same manager is likely to change the way he or she is treating people on that particular day. Therefore, emotions also determine how we relate with other people in our daily lives. Emotional appeals have the same effect in the business environment. They influence the way in which both business and customers make their decisions. Therefore, emotions have a significant impact on the effect of marketing on the customers (Fill, 2009, p. 20). While the business may market its products effectively, it may not succeed in attracting the attenti on of the customers. A business should take into consideration the emotions of its customers when advertising its products. This is because marketing triggers different emotions in the customers. Customers tend to develop different emotions and feelings towards a product or a service depending on the way it has been advertised (O'Shaughnessy & O'Shaughnessy, 2003, p. 10). ... different factors that might trigger emotional responses in customers, thus manipulating the way in which customers make their decisions (Albers-Miller & Stafford,  1999, p. 42). Colour Colour is a very significant factor that greatly affects the way in which customers perceive different products and services. Individuals have different attitudes and notions towards different colours. Other individuals also associate different colours with different types of issues. For instance, most people in the society associate black colour with evil. On the other hand, white colour is associated with purity and peace. Therefore, individuals will develop different feelings when they see black colour being used in a certain advertisement. For instance, a consumer that associates black with evil will perceive products being advertised using the colour as having a certain vice. Therefore, such a consumer will not even spend time to think of purchasing such a product. The decision of whether to bu y the product will entirely depend on the colour that has been used (Albers-Miller & Stafford,  1999, p. 43). On the other hand, the same customer may be triggered to purchase a product that has been advertised using the white colour just because he or she associates white with peace and purity. Therefore, although the products advertised in black colour might be better than the one advertised in the white ones, the emotional appeals of the customer will force him or her to purchase the bad product. Therefore, basing on colour, organisations should assess their target market to check if it is conservative. This is because most interpretations of colour come mainly from conservative people. However, some people, especially women, also have an attitude towards colour. For instance, most women

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